Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Chronic Human Reclamation Obsession.

Hello Internet People, of all sizes, shapes, and types!

Please forgive me for this, I seldom write anything regarding current events, but there are so much talk about diets and fashion in the world today, at least it seems to occupy much of this Blog Internet World, and I just wanted to say "take it easy", or something similar. It is not my intent to pass any kind of judgement, or to say that things were better in the old days, in fact they were not, they were just different, and times will always bring changes, but some things have stayed more permanent than others through time, and that is humans obsession with our own bodies. What may have changed a little is how easy it is to complain about faults on almost everything today, in the old days you had to send a letter, and people often lost their spirit to do this just because of the handling time it took to receive an answer, but humans have always complained about their looks, I believe this has been the same since dawn of time, whether that was some big bang, or something religious, there probably always have been some sort of obsession with our human bodies.

Adam and Eve.

I am too old to want to have any nudity or similar on my page, but maybe even the first humans on earth were not satisfied with their bodies.

Then if so, and if I did believe in God I would probably forgive him for not coming forth and participating in the human lives, just on the cause of all the reclamation's God would have to handle regarding our human bodies. It often surprises me how much time we humans use complaining on our bodies, even if they work fine and all functions are completely operational, we still use a lot of time to find errors with ourselves, and unfortunately often on others too, and then think if there suddenly was someone that humans could send their complaints to, and with the amount of focus the object has (the body), I believe more people would send letters regarding some body part than even what Santa receives regarding Christmas wishes.

Pile of letters:
Santa probably gets even more than this.

If I were to have any opinion regarding this difficult matter, the shape or style of the human body, it would be:
Choose your own style, and your own clothes, base it on the person you are, and the figure you have, believe in the uniqueness of your mind, and perhaps soul, do not follow blindly what others teach, simply because they are not you, and you are not them.
Just make sure you are clean and proper, and that you feel comfortable,
common decency is not a style, it is a way of life.

When you get older you will appreciate that you chose your own way, and found your own style, so Internet People,
Choose yourselves, and have a nice weekend,


  1. Godt skrevet!
    God helg F.W.Gilbert!

  2. Hei,

    Tusen takk!

    Ha den beste av helger!

  3. Dette er mitt favorittinnlegg så langt! Du kjenner kanskje til quoten av George Bernard Shaw; "youth is wasted on the young"? Hehe. Kanskje du med dette innlegget får noen til å endre litt på de negative tankemønstrene, jeg håper iallefall det. :) God helg til deg!

  4. Hei Runa!

    "If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be from learning from experience." Ja, han var flink med ord, veldig, takk selv for dine snille ord, og ble veldig glad for dem.

    Ha en strålende helg,

  5. Hei!

    Takk for et fint og innsiktfullt innlegg!

    Jeg stikker innom denne bloggen med jevne mellomrom, og du får meg altid til å smile - så takk for det også!

  6. Heisan Øyvind!

    Takk selv, jeg setter veldig pris på at dere hilser på!

    Ha en skikkelig fin dag, selvom det regner,
    himmelen er alltid veldig blå over det grå!

  7. Det er alltid en glede å titte innom her, siden jeg alltid finner noe som får meg til å både smile og tenke. Tusen takk for at du deler dine tanker!

    Jeg er svært enig i det du skriver her, og noe av det aller viktigste for meg er å være meg selv både på innsiden og utsiden - på tross av hva nå enn andre måtte mene om hvor "riktig" eller "feil" det er. Skjønnhet er forskjellig i et hvert øye, så det viktigste må vel være å være fornøyd med seg selv og sin egen tilværelse :)

    Ønsker deg en flott helg!

  8. Heisan Ivy Deville,

    Flott navn, og takk for fine ord!

    Jeg kunne ikke ha vært mer enig i det du skriver, og du vil bare sette enda mer pris på det når du blir eldre.

    Ha en virkelig fin uke!

  9. Hi, I tell my children often the sort of things you have said here, and that true beauty is on the inside. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks like this. :)
