Thursday, June 16, 2011

Evolution Commenting.

Hello Internet People,

I am back from Denmark, both happy to have been on vacation and of coming home, it may sound strange, but both has their nice sides, the thing is that I am really too tired to write anything here today, still, I just want to write a little about evolution seen thru old and maybe a little tired eyes. Gunnar`s T-shirt becomes more and more suitable for my thoughts, I believe in the good in people, because we all share one common main wish, and that is to have as much fun as possible in our lifes, this just increases when you get older, and you will only want connection with  people in your life that are positive and humorous, and well wishing towards each other, trust me this just gets more important with age, and therefor I for one choose not to have any confrontation with narrowminded and negative people, I am sorry to say that our species evolution still has some evolutioning to do, I am not here to argue with anybody, or do I feel the necessity to prove anything to anyone, I am too old for such, and actually too evolved. I will do this the old style. For those who are my new Internet Friends here, I will continue as I have done, and probably somewhere in the process, tell and show more and more, but now, for the moment, I follow advice given to me after reading what some commented to me, and therefor to comment will not be so easy from now on, I feel sorry for the negative Willy`s out there, and that evolution did not teach you commen curtisy, and I hope you find your positivety and tranquility somewhere in the future, just not on my site, anyway, still all the best to you.


Also this makes me think of a quotation by George Bernard Shaw:
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."

Ps: I am very happy now, just tired after the journey and a little because of lack of evolution, but will be more sharing about my vacation tomorrow.



  1. Welcome back from Denmark, old man! Hope you had a great time and that you still are healthy after the trip. We are currently in Paris, but will check your blog in the evenings.

    And don´t forget the e-mail address, guess you have forgot it already, after all you are 55 years older than me. ;)


  2. Hei Finn Willy Gilbert,

    Ble tipset om bloggen din i går, og har nå kost meg med å lese igjennom alle dine tidligere innlegg. Dette er en viktig side! Dine tanker om hverdagslige ting angår på en måte oss alle. Det handler om livet! Du har et underfundig blikk og god humor. Takk til deg for å dele dette!

    Keep up the good work!

    Vennlig hilsen Hanne Rivrud Nansen
    (eller Hr Nansen, som jeg liker...)

  3. Nei nå, Gunnar LOC (ler hostende som vi gamle gjør, ihvertfall han), og jeg ler og, "HR Nansen", så flott. Jeg vet vi sikkert er noe barnslige, men forsvarer oss med at dette skjer med alle med alderen, takk for dine pene ord,
    De beste ønsker til deg,

  4. Hello Kent!

    The best of wishes to you and Paris, what a lovely city it is, they have very nice hats there, hope you have the best of journeys!
    My grandchildren has said they will help me with fwg something mail or something, I will ask them this weekend, and saturday I should also then have a mail!)

    Again all the good wishes,

  5. Hanne Rivrud NansenJune 17, 2011 at 6:46 AM

    Hei igjen,

    Godt å høre dere ler! Jeg var ganske fornøyd da jeg giftet meg med oldebarnet til Fridtjof Nansen og oppdaget at det plutselig var jeg som var selveste HR Nansen (dog bare navnet, men lell)!

    God dag videre til dere begge!

    HR Nansen
